Roundtable Discussion: Sounds of/like A Mixed Use Neighborhood, Community and Conflict in Post-Lockdown Kensington

When and Where

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
AP 246
Department of Anthropology
19 Ursula Franklin Street


Please join the Ethnography Lab for the roundtable discussion: Sounds of/like A Mixed Use Neighborhood, Community and Conflict in Post-Lockdown Kensington.

At this roundtable, members of the Kensington Market Soundscape Study will present preliminary research and methodological reflections from their summer work at Kensington Market and at the Market’s Pedestrian Sundays. Topics will include a multimodal experimental film presentation, a presentation on soundwalks as a method, and multimedia sound recording, among others.

The Kensington Market Soundscapes Study (KMSS) is a community-engaged team research project investigating the presence of amplified music and other human-produced sounds in the KM neighborhood’s public realm. The study involves a partnership with the Kensington Market Business Improvement Area, an association of more than 200 commercial property owners and tenants in the Kensington neighborhood and the organization responsible for organizing the summer Pedestrian Sundays Kensington (PSK) festival. Join members of the KMSS research team as they discuss different aspects of the project, from team ethnography to volunteering-as-research to experimental arts-based methods.  

For the Ethnography Lab's event listing please refer here.

For more info on KMSS


19 Ursula Franklin Street
