Financial Support

As a professional program, the MScPl falls under a different funding stream than the doctoral program. The University of Toronto Program in Planning provides financial support in the form of fellowships or assistantships for as many masters students as possible. Fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis, so the number awarded in any year depends on academic performance. Since most fellowships are awarded for only one year at a time, students must be alert to all the requirements pertaining to applications for the following year. These include filling out the necessary forms and obtaining letters of recommendation. See Funding and Fees for more information.

The Program Advisor will alert students during the academic year about awards and application deadlines by e-mail. The initiative to apply, however, rests with the student. Students are encouraged to further investigate awards by checking the School of Graduate Studies Awards & Funding and Graduate Funding in Arts & Science.

Internal Awards

Applicants who submit a completed application by February 1st and continuing students in the program are automatically considered for internal University of Toronto awards. We expect all eligible students currently registered in the program to apply for external awards (see below). The graduate office will work with you to establish your eligibility for specific awards, as well as pass on application details. However, if in doubt about your eligibility, you are expected to apply. View the full list of Internal Awards.

External Scholarships and Awards

We expect all currently registered, eligible students to apply for External Awards and Scholarships. The Department’s Graduate Student Advisor will work with you to establish your eligibility for specific awards and inform you about application details. External awards provide for generous funding and students are very strongly encouraged to apply for these awards. If registered at an Ontario university, apply through your home university; other Canadian applicants should contact OGS or SSHRC.

Students must be alert to all the requirements pertaining to applications for the following year. These include filling out the necessary forms and obtaining letters of recommendation.) Be advised that the department deadline for external awards is typically early October (check with administrators in September for the exact deadline.) All application documents must be received by the departmental deadline for consideration.

View the department’s list of External Scholarships and Awards or consult SGS’s comprehensive listing of scholarships and awards.


Students may be eligible for teaching assistantships or research assistantships.

Other U of T Awards

Other University of Toronto Awards for Planning Students