Nessie Nankivell

Nessie Nankivell

First Name: 
Last Name: 
PhD Student, (she/her)
Biography : 

Nessie’s research focuses on infrastructure development, economic security, and gender. In particular, she is interested in how Crown consultation facilitates state surveillance over Indigenous social life. Using design methods developed during her role as an assistant researcher at Forensic Architecture, she hopes to use counter-mapping and situated testimony to create new evidentiary techniques for colonial violence.

Nessie is a Faculty of Arts & Humanities Top (FAST) Doctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto.

MA in Contemporary Critical Theory, King's College London, 2018-2019.
BA in English Language and Literature, Pace University, 2013-2017.

People Type:

Areas of Interest: 

Critical infrastructure, logistics and supply chains, settler colonialism, social reproduction, Marxian value-form theory, spatial research and visualization, counter-mapping techiques.



Dissertation Supervisors: 
Dr. Deborah Cowen
Dr. Heather Dorries
Meta Description: 
Nessie Nankivell