Richard DiFrancesco

Richard DiFrancesco

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Associate Professor
Phone : 
(416) 978-4977
Office Location : 
Sidney Smith, Room 5016A
Biography : 

I am an economic geographer interested in regional economic development implications of the changing spatial distribution of production caused by the proliferations of GPNs in all sectors of the global economy. I am particularly interested in attracting Masters students who may be interested in working at the intersection WIO data/analysis and the study of regional economic impacts of GPN formation and change.

Ph.D., McMaster University
M.A., McMaster University
B.A. (Hons.), McMaster University

People Type:

Research Area:

Areas of Interest: 

Regional development implications of global production networks (GPNs), World-level Input-Output (WIO) data and models.

Administrative Service: 
Chair of the St. George Department, 2018 - 2023
Meta Description: 
Richard DiFrancesco