Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken

Postdoctoral Fellow (he/him)


Fields of Study

Areas of Interest

Transport Geography, Transport inequalities, sustainable urban development


Supervisor: S. Farber

July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2026


I hold a Ph.D. in transportation engineering from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). During 2018-2019 I was a postgraduate researcher at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. During 2020-2021, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CEDEUS). Currently, I’m working as a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Human Geography, University of Toronto, and I'm the research coordinator of Mobilizing Justice Partnership (https://mobilizingjustice.ca/).

My research interests encompass a wide range of topics associated with transport and land use dynamics in urban and suburban areas, particularly:
(i) geospatial analytics of transport systems, particularly public transport considering system performance, travel behaviour and user experiences,
(ii) transport equity and the distribution of transport-related benefits and burdens across space for different population groups, and
(iii) sustainable transport and urban space allocation policies considering new mobility trends
This work is achieved through multi-sourced data and several methods, including statistical analyses, econometric modelling and machine learning techniques, GIS-based approaches, and mixed (quantitative + qualitative) methods.


Zhang, Y., Farber, S., Young, M., Tiznado-Aitken, I., & Ross, T. (2023). Exploring travel patterns of people with disabilities: A multilevel analysis of accessible taxi trips in Toronto, Canada. Travel Behaviour and Society, 32, 100575. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tbs.2023.100575

Allen, J., Palm, M., Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Farber, S. (2022). Inequalities of extreme commuting across
Canada. Travel Behaviour and Society, 29, 42-52. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tbs.2022.05.005

Tiznado-Aitken, I., Lucas, K., Muñoz, J.C. & Hurtubia, R. (2022). Freedom of choice? Social and spatial disparities on combined housing and transport affordability. Transport Policy 122 (Special Issue), 39-53. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2022.04.005

Tiznado-Aitken, I., Lucas, K., Muñoz, J.C. & Hurtubia, R. (2020). Understanding accessibility through public transport users' experiences: A mixed methods approach. Journal of Transport Geography, 88. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102857

Vecchio, G., Tiznado-Aitken, I. & Hurtubia, R. (2020). Transport and equity in Latin America: a critical review of socially oriented accessibility a assessments. Transport Reviews, 1-28. DOI:


PhD, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile