Shaila Jamal

Postdoctoral Fellow (she/her)


Fields of Study

Areas of Interest

Quantitative and qualitative approaches in travel behavior Analysis, Equity and justice issues in transportation, Sustainable transportation, and Transportation in the Global South


Steven Farber


As an urban researcher with training in geography and planning, I bring multiple research experiences and projects to bear on transportation-related topics in both North America and South Asia. My research experience consists of my work as a postdoctoral fellow, a research coordinator, a graduate student, an independent consultant, and a researcher for a provincial health department in Canada and United Nations in Bangladesh. My research mostly evolves around transportation of different socio-demographic groups with a focus on equity and justice-seeking population. Currently, I am working on projects that explore mobilities in suburban neighborhoods; preferred amenities of different racialized communities and their accessibility; and older immigrants' transit experiences and the role of their social network in facilitating their mobility in Canada.

The research I am involved are mostly funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), University of Toronto and and McMaster Co-Design Hub. I was also able to receive funding from different agencies to conduct independent research projects. The techniques I apply in my research include statistical modeling, machine learning, spatial analysis, thematic analysis of qualitative data, and Evidence-based Co-Design. I have published in well-recognized journals such as Transportation, Transportation Research Part A, Sustainable Cities and Society, Transportation Research Part D, and Case Studies on Transport Policy. Currently, I am guest editing a special issue of Transportation Research Part D on "Evaluating initiatives to combat injustice in transportation" with colleagues from University of Oxford, Technical University of Munich, and Ghent University.

I have taught undergraduate courses on Data Analysis (McMaster), Transportation Geography (McMaster), Cities in the Developing World (McMaster) and GIS and Empirical Reasoning (UofT). I also conducted multiple workshops on data science and machine learning for McMaster University Library and YWCA Hamilton. Since 2021, I am working with non-profits as a volunteer mentor and workshop facilitator to teach data science to the racialized women in GTHA. I have been awarded the 2023 YWCA Hamilton's Women of Distinction Award for my contribution to STEM mentorship and social justice research.


Here is a list of my latest publications. Check my Google Scholar profile for the full list of publications.

1. Jamal, S., Menon, N., & Newbold, K. B. (2023). Equity implications of COVID-19 on older adults’ mobility: Evidence and examples from South Asia. In V. Van Acker, S. Choo & Mokhtarian, P. L. (Eds.), Advances in Transport Policy and Planning, Volume 12: Part 2: Wider transport and land use impacts of COVID-19. Elsevier. DOI:

2. Jamal, S., & Paez, A. (2023). Well-being implications of immobility during COVID-19: evidence from a student sample in Bangladesh using the satisfaction with life scale. Transportation, 1-31. DOI:

3. Jamal, S., Newbold, K.B. & Scott, D. M. (2023). Developing a typology of daily travelers based on transportation attitudes: application of latent class analysis using a survey of millennials and older adults in Hamilton, Ontario. Growth and Change. DOI:

4. Jamal, S., Newbold, K. B., & Scott, D. M. (2023). Analysis of millennials and older adults’ automobility behavior in Hamilton, Ontario. Urban, Planning and Transport Research, 11(1), 2197979.

5. Jamal, S., & Newbold, K. B. (2023). The promise of co-design for improving transit service for older immigrants: Development of a co-design framework for Hamilton, Ontario. Urban Governance, 3(1), 83-91.

6. Jamal, S., Chowdhury, S., & Newbold, K. B. (2022). Transport preferences and dilemmas in the post-lockdown (COVID-19) period: Findings from a qualitative study of young commuters in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(1), 406-416.

7. Jamal, S., Newbold, K.B. & Scott, D. M. (2022). A comparison of young and older adults’ attitudes and preferences towards different travel modes and residential characteristics: A study in Hamilton, Ontario. The Canadian Geographer, 66(1), 76-93.


Ph.D. in Geography, McMaster University (2018-2023)
Master of Planning Studies, Dalhousie University (2014-2016)
Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (2006-2011)