Loren March

PhD Candidate and Course Instructor (they/them)


Fields of Study

Areas of Interest

Queer geographies, queer ecologies, geographies of affect and emotion, gentrification


Loren March is a queer and trans geographer, a PhD Candidate in Human Geography, and an
instructor in the Department of Geography and Planning at St. George and the Department of Human Geography at Scarborough. Their work focuses broadly on queer urban ecologies, examining shifting affective relations with more-than-human spaces amidst processes of parks-led redevelopment and environmental gentrification in Toronto. Loren engages with the possibilities of queer affective ethnography as a style of doing research that pays attention to marginalized relational lifeworlds, affective experiences, and stories. They are a member of the Affordable Housing Challenge Project Collective at the University of Toronto's School of Cities, a convener at Anthropology's Ethnography Lab, and a member of the Queer Ecologies Network (QUEEEN) at the Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity. They are also co-editor of the book Critical Dialogues of Urban Governance, Development and Activism: London and Toronto from UCL Press (https://www.uclpress.co.uk/products/126992). Loren received their Masters of Environmental Studies, with a focus in Critical Urban Theory and Planning, from York University.


March, L. and S. Bunce (2023) Placing the more-than-human in environmental gentrification. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographes, 48(1), 180-194.
March, L. (2021). Queer and trans* geographies of liminality: A literature review. Progress in Human Geography, 45(3), 455-471.
March, L. and U. Lehrer (2022) Common Areas, Common Causes: Public Space in High-Rise Buildings During Covid-19. Urban Planning, 7(4), 352-363.
March, L. and U. Lehrer (2021) Public space and COVID-19: New social practices,intensified inequalities, in R. Van Melik, P. Filion and B. Doucet (eds) Public space and mobility, 15-24. Bristol University Press.
Bunce, S.; N. Livingstone; L. March; S. Moore and A. Walks (2020) Critical dialogues of urban governance, development and activism: London and Toronto. UCL Press.


Dr. Susannah Bunce


PhD, University of Toronto (in progress)
MES, York University
Specialized Honours BA, York University
DCreCom, Red River College
