Sophie Roussy

Sophie Roussy

First Name: 
Last Name: 
MSc Student, (she/her)
Biography : 

My research focuses on the intersection of transportation-related air pollution (TRAP), marginalization, human exposure, including its equitable distribution, and health outcomes. Specifically, my research uses spatial interpolation techniques to model the spatial distribution of TRAP, with a specific focus on ambient benzene pollution, across Toronto. From here, my research employs spatial analysis techniques, statistical models, and established dose-response relationships of the air pollutants to health outcomes to examine associations between level of marginalization and disparities in human exposure to TRAP and subsequent health risks, thereby identifying environmentally-driven health disparities.

M.Sc. Student, University of Toronto
Honors BA Double Major, Western University
Personal Website:

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Areas of Interest: 

Transportation-related air pollution, passive air pollution monitoring, spatial modelling and analysis, exposure modelling and analysis, environmental health analysis, environmental justice analysis



Dissertation Supervisors: 
Dr. Matthew Adams
Meta Description: 
Sophie Roussy